Monday, July 30, 2012

Magic Mike.... 50 Shades.... (sigh)

What to do....what to do?!

All of my girlfriends could not wait to see Magic Mike - and many went opening night on a girls night out.  Since I pretty much only watch what is on the DVR (with the exception of a WHOLE LOT of nick jr.) I get to fast forward through commercials.  I must admit that I didn't always FF through the Magic Mike commercials.  I mean come on, Channing Tatum is definitely eye candy.  However, I really never had the desire to go pay money to watch a bunch of men take their clothes off on a big movie screen while I inhale popcorn and soda...and probably chocolate.  So I had made up my mind - I was not going to go see Magic Mike!!

What had happened was...  I had planned a girls night with family and while talking about it on the phone - I blurted out - "Want to go see Magic Mike?"  What?!  What is wrong with me?  I don't want to see that.  But the plans were made and set.  Interestingly enough the day we were to go see it plans changed and we decided on a rain check.  Good! I thought.  I didn't need to see that stupid movie.

And then, (no and then!) yes.  And then, I was telling my story to a friend about how my plans to see the movie had fallen through and I was a little disappointed.  But I honestly meant I was disappointed I wasn't going to get to hang out with family!  She thought I was sad about missing the movie and said we should go.  Damn.  Apparently - it was just in the cards for me to go see Channing Tatum do the naughty dance.  So I call up another girl friend and we make a night of it.

In to the theater.  Popcorn? Yes.  Soda? Yes.  Candy....Crap.  Yes.  Sitting in the theater listening to the buzz I am kind of starting to look forward to the movie.  My initial thought is: "How am I going to go home and tell 'the man' that this was a stupid movie and I wasted money to go see it - when clearly he is going to know I am making it up?"

Finally the movie starts - YUMMY!  I must say the first 20 minutes I should have recorded on my trusty little iPhone to watch over and over and over.  After that it really went downhill fast, IMO.  The storyline (what storyline?) was crap.  The dances did not get better.  And the last dance of the movie (which I thought they would make super sexy to leave you wanting more) was by the oldest guy in the film and NOT Channing Tatum....huh?)  And I am a Matthew Mcconaughey fan - but he just isn't anything standing next to Mr. Tatum.   I know many of my friends enjoyed it to the end and thought it was great, but I really wasn't all that impressed....after the first 20 minutes. :)

So my girlfriends and I part ways and I head home.  Now I'm thinking... "How can I tell 'the man' that it was a horrible movie?!  He is going to totally think I am making it up!" lol.  Funny how that thought process changed from earlier.  But, I did go home and tell him it was basically crap and he said he knew it would

Anyway - now for my frustration: I had absolutely no desire to see Magic Mike but because a ton of my girlfriends had seen it, loved it and couldn't believe I hadn't seen it - I went.  And aside from enjoying hanging with the girls - I totally wasted my time. 

Enter 50 Shades of Grey (MommyPorn as some critics are calling it)   I had absolutely NO DESIRE to read this trilogy!  But again, tons of my girlfriends have read or are reading them and LOVE them.  And again I am kind of feeling left out.

I read an excerpt last night of the first chapter online and it didn't seem vulgar at all....

The differences are
  • I won't be wasting $$ because I have friends that are willing to lend me the books.
  • I won't necessarily waste a ton of time because if I start reading them and feel like it is too vulgar for my taste I can stop reading them.
  • I won't be in a theater with my girlfriends - I'll more than likely be in bed next to 'my guy'.  Awkward much?!
So...what to do? What to do?....(sigh)



  1. I don't know how to subscribe to this but...I know how you feel. I don't think a bunch of balls and man butt is attractive so I don't plan on seeing it...but I DO plan on reading 50 shades because 1.I like to read more than watch a movie..and 2. I want to see what all the fuss is about. I like this little blog you got here btw :)

  2. I don't know how to subscribe to this but...I know how you feel. I don't think a bunch of balls and man butt is attractive so I don't plan on seeing it...but I DO plan on reading 50 shades because 1.I like to read more than watch a movie..and 2. I want to see what all the fuss is about. I like this little blog you got here btw :)

  3. I don't know how to subscribe to this but...I know how you feel. I don't think a bunch of balls and man butt is attractive so I don't plan on seeing it...but I DO plan on reading 50 shades because 1.I like to read more than watch a movie..and 2. I want to see what all the fuss is about. I like this little blog you got here btw :)

  4. Thanks Alicia! Hope you keep reading my blog! And feel free to comment anytime! :)
